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Sergey Ivanovich Gordienko

Sergey Ivanovich Gordienko is a member of UNESCO and the UN, the International Academy of sustainable development and personality, member of Ukrainian Geographical Society and honorary member of the U.S. National Geographic Society, the International Academy for children and youth tourism and regional studies, associate professor of the Kyiv University of Tourism, Economics and Law.

During his scientific and professional double Gordienko S. (1985, 1998) reached the North Pole within the forwarding group "North", according to the program of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, the first in the history of Ukraine set state flag at the North Pole.

In 1996-1997 he was an instructor of survival techniques in high latitudes as part of the First Ukrainian scientific expedition to Antarctica. He carried out the seven-month transition along the Antarctic peninsula, for which received a medal from the Ukrainian Antarctic Centre «For a successful winter».

In 1999, S. Gordienko created Expeditionary Center «Solo Extreme» whose goal is survival training and conducting extreme expeditions.

During 1999-2000 he was passed along from South America c.Ushuayya (Tierra del Fuego) to c.Mehyko (Mexico) - more than 19 thousand km.

In 2002, the expedition made solely under the name "Black and White" (by way of "Varangian to Greeks") - 6 thousand km.

In 2003 he started walking round the expedition «Solotransglobal». Its purpose is for scientific and cultural program areas:

  • Psychology of survival and medical-biological research of the human body under extreme conditions;
  • Constructing historical aspects of human migration into space;
  • Collecting and processing meteorological data on the route of the expedition;
  • Test the reliability and efficiency of appliances and materials across a range of latitudes from the Arctic to the Antarctic, which may be proposed for this purpose organizations and inventors;
  • National diplomacy - meeting with representatives of the Slavic diaspora in the way of expeditions;
  • Collection of photos and video to create a popular science film and photography.

Currently in the expedition route passed from Sevastopol to Vladivostok - 15 thousand km.; Vladivostok - Magadan - Petropalovsk-Kamchatsky - Japan (o.Hokaydo) - China (c.Seyshan) - Vladivostok – 8,5 thousand km. For the first time in the history of extreme program passed along the Baikal-Amur railway to Novosibirsk and then along the Ob River to c.Salehard. The next phase of the expedition led through Polar Ural to St. Petersburg and then through Pskov - Vitebsk - Mogilev – Gomel to Kiev. The total length of the route was 23 thousand km.

Expedition continues ...

Along with its main vocation of professional traveler S. Gordienko carries out considerable social work meeting during an expedition with students of secondary schools, university students, and general public. Monumental life experience gained in conjunction with the actual material on the tactics of survival in extreme situations, life rules of communication with wildlife are a significant event for the audience. As associate professor of KUTEL, Sergei Gordienko created a unique special course on the psychology of human survival in extreme conditions. Lectures are usually held in unconventional forms, rich work it is combined with a deep theoretical analysis. At the workshops tested skills and ability to professionally respond to the most difficult situations that may arise during tourist trips or extreme kinds of tourism organizations.

Program 2012 («Solotransglobal»)


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