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World Day of embroidered shirts in KUTEL

Students and teachers of the Kyiv University of Tourism, Economics and Law unite and support the action "Wear embroidery and come to work or study". The event is dedicated to the World's Day of Embroidery. We testify that folk tradition does not disappear, but is gaining momentum, popularity, becomes relevant and is enhanced by modern forms of clothing, new patterns taken by people from the living mother-mother, from native nature. We are very close and expensive old traditions, cute embroidered towels, tracks, napkins, pillows, rugs, tablecloths, which are often decorated with dwellings.

We are gladly and proudly wearing embroidered clothes, because in ancient clothes many characters of strength, welfare, beauty and amulets are encoded.

Людське безсмертя з роду і до роду
Увись росте з коріння родоводу.
І тільки той, у кого серце чуле,
Хто знає, береже минуле
І вміє шанувать сучасне, -
Лиш той майбутнє
Вивершить прекрасне!






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