The Faculty of Law is an important structural subdivision of the Kyiv University of Tourism, Economics and Law, which started its activity in 1995 and trains specialists in the field of training "Law" in full-time and part-time form of education at the educational and qualification levels "Bachelor" and "Master".
The educational process at the Faculty of Law is provided by two departments:
• general legal disciplines;
• civil law and legal provision of tourism.
The Faculty of Law is licensed and accredited by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine at level 4 and, accordingly, graduates of the faculty receive a state-recognized diploma.
Since the university is a structural unit of the educational, research and production complex "Tourism, Hospitality, Economics and Law", students have the opportunity to obtain a continuous degree law education, in particular, at the Economics and Law School, the Kyiv State College of Tourism and Hospitality (specialty "Jurisprudence") and Kyiv University of Tourism, Economics and Law (the direction of training "Law ").
Studying at the Faculty of Law provides the opportunity to obtain the following educational qualification levels:
• Bachelor (4 years of study, and a shorter form of education on the basis of a junior specialist diploma - 2 years);
• Master's degree (1,5 years of study based on a bachelor's or specialist's degree).
The training of specialists at the faculty is carried out by full-time and part-time forms of training.
Students of the magistracy study only on a day-time form of training in the specialization "Civil and labor law".
Studying at the faculty, students acquire basic knowledge in the field of state and law theory, branches of law: constitutional, civil, labor, economic, family, civil procedure, administrative, financial, environmental, criminal, criminal procedure, land, and others.
Theoretical studies at the Faculty of Law are successfully combined with educational and technological practice in: judicial authorities (1st year), local executive authorities or local self-government bodies (2nd year), prosecutor's or police authorities (3rd year), bodies of justice (4th year). Students of magistracy pass scientific and pedagogical practice on the basis of KUTEL, and pre-diploma - in institutions, organizations and enterprises.
Students of the Faculty of Law are future employees of judicial and customs bodies, bodies of justice, notarial bodies, state executive service, legal departments and departments of enterprises, institutions, organizations, etc.
Traditional scientific and cultural events at the Faculty of Law include: annual final scientific and practical conference of faculty members of the Faculty of Law "Modern law of Ukraine in the system of socio-economic transformations"; subject scientific and theoretical conferences and round tables in the magistracy; lawyer's day and faculty day; public lectures, meetings with renowned scholars and practitioners, and others.
Dean of the Faculty - Fatkhuddinova Olena Vasilivna, Candidate of Law, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine.
(+38 050) 510-19-24 - Dean of the Faculty of Law
Deanery: aud. 413;
Days and hours of admission
Tuesday - 09.00 - 12.00.
Thursday - 09.00 - 12.00.
Tuesday,Thursday - 09.00 - 13.00.
Tel. (+38 050) 375-78-22